Intro to Theatre 2025

(1 customer review)


The aim of this course is to introduce the student not only to acting, but also to technical theatre. By the end of this course, the student should have a selection of monologues they can use for an audition.

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The aim of this course is to introduce the student to not only acting, but also to technical theatre. By the end of this course, the student should have a selection of monologues they can use for an audition.

The course covers aspects such as theatre terminology, prop and set design, costumes and makeup, introduction to acting, the business side of theatre, writing a script, and stage management.

Quote from a previous student Alex R:

What I think I improved on in this class is really understanding the depth of theater and how much there really is to it. When I first began this class, I had had a lot of acting experience, but I lacked a true understanding of everything there is. This class really helped me understand how much there is to theater.

Select self-paced

Instructor: Amy van der Merwe

For: Grades 7 -12

Hours: +- 4 hours each week

Credit Hours: 1/2 High School Credit on completion of the semester

Syllabus: Available here

Fall Dates: August 18 – Dec 12 (with a week’s break over Thanksgiving)

Spring Dates: January 5 – May 1  (any week in March can be taken for Spring break)

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Asynchronous online classes


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Fall 2025, Spring 2026

1 review for Intro to Theatre 2025

  1. Alex R

    This class covered pretty much every aspect of theater, from techniques actors use onstage to the complicated and fascinating system going on backstage. I really enjoyed how each time a new concept was introduced, there was always an opportunity not only to see an example of it, but also to try it myself.
    What I overall liked the best about this class was in how much detail it explored theater and not only the part that the audience sees.

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