Python (5 week sessions)


The 5-week sessions are intended for students who aren’t sure they want to take the full Python 1/2 credit, or who want to break it up over a period of time. These sessions are also self-paced so students who don’t want deadlines should choose these over the full semester class.

SKU: N/A Category:


This class is intended for students with some prior programming experience or who are high schoolers.

Students who have successfully completed our full semester Scratch course, or up to the Advanced Scratch Course are ready for Python as are students who have some experience with other programming languages.

Students spend 2 – 4 hour working each week. Their work will be graded and help will be available if they get stuck at any point.

The class teaches programming logic and students will create small programs each week. They will get plenty of practice exercises too.

All levels may begin at any time.

View One Module Here

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Advanced, Beginners, Intermediate


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