Photography Self-paced Online Class


This is a semester-long course that uses fun assignments to teach the fundamentals of photography. This online class is for homeschoolers in grades 7 – 12.

This course is asynchronous, self-paced, and parent-graded. If you are looking for our synchronous class with deadlines and FundaFunda teachers grading the assignments, click here.


In this online Photography self-paced class for homeschoolers, students will learn the basics of taking and editing photographs.

For those who remember the children’s program “Fetch” we use a similar style but adapt it for teens. Students taking the course will watch videos each week where 4 teens are taught some aspect of photography and then they are issued with a challenge. Once the online students have watched the teens perform the challenge, they get to complete the same challenges. They will also take online quizzes and do various other assignments each week.

This class is designed to teach many skills, but also to be fun! We use a free online tool to teach photo editing, so there is no need to buy anything extra for that.

Photography can be used as a Fine Arts credit for high school.

For more info view our blog post about this class.

select asynchronous class

Instructor: Piers van der Merwe (view his photography at Onstandby or Instagram)

Click here to learn more about the instructor.

For: Grades 7-12

Hours: 3 – 4 per week

Required for class: Students will need a real camera (an iPhone / iPod is not sufficient) with the ability to change ISO, aperture, and shutter speed.

Credit Hours: 0.5 High School Credit

Syllabus: Available here

View One Module Here


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