Latin 3 2025


In this course, students will continue to learn Classical Latin and develop an understanding of Roman Civilization using the Cambridge Latin Course (CLC). 


“In this fourth and final book of the Cambridge Latin Course…Domitian has been Emperor of Rome for only two years but already fear and suspicion are rife among his Imperial advisors, associates, and opponents.


Under his rule, life is perilous. So enter Domitian’s palace and the inner workings his Council, join a Roman wedding ceremony, look at Roman law, relax in a country villa – but tread carefully and watch your back…Domitian’s never far away!


Finally, we wrap up the course … by reading real Latin poetry and prose from selection of famed Roman authors, as well as further exploring their culture.”    (CLC)


Latin 3 (Middle and High School)

By the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to read Roman authors, including Catullus, Ovid, Martial, Pliny, Tacitus, and Vergil. Students will complete their learning of the major forms and syntactic points. Students will be able to describe and discuss life in Rome during the absolutist reign of the Emperor Domnitian, towards the end of the first century A.D.


Online Component:

Students will have subscribed access to Cambridge Elevate web resources which include engaging online study aids for desktop and tablet (iOS and Android) platforms. The online resources enable the student to hear Latin spoken and pronounced correctly, and to get immediate feedback as they read, study vocabulary and learn grammar. Assignments, tests and quizzes will be submitted online, through Canvas.

***Cost includes an online subscription to Cambridge Elevate with online textbook included!

Prerequisites: Latin 2 or equivalent beginning Latin course

Recommended Materials: (online version included with course)


Weekly assignments will involve the following:

1: reading stories and classical writings in Latin (translations graded by instructor)

2: using an interactive website to enhance learning

3: memorizing vocabulary

4: studying Roman civilization through text and video

* (optional) Parents may administer the National Latin Exam in the spring semester. Information will be given during the school year on how to register and study for the exam.

Instructor: Jeremiah King (

For: Grades 9 – 12

Hours:  4+ hours each week

Credit Hours: 1 High School Credit on completion of both semesters

*private tutoring available

Fall Dates: August 18 – Dec 12 (with a week’s break over Thanksgiving)

Spring Dates: January 5 – May 1  (any week in March can be taken for Spring break)

Self-paced: This course may be started at any point in the year as a self-paced course.

**Links to resources may be affiliate links. You don’t pay anything more but we make a small percentage of each sale.

Additional information


Both Semesters, Fall 2025, Spring 2026, Self-paced full year


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