Latin 2 (Middle and High School)
By the end of this course students will demonstrate Latin reading comprehension of increasing complexity. Students will move beyond the storyline and examine subtleties of character, motivation and atmosphere. Students will strengthen their foundation in Latin grammar while systematically solidifying their understanding of English grammar. Students will conclude their study how the Romans lived in Roman Britain and be able to describe life in Rome in the first century A.D.
Online Component:
Students will have subscribed access to Cambridge Elevate web resources which include engaging online study aids for desktop and tablet (iOS and Android) platforms. The online resources enable the student to hear Latin spoken and pronounced correctly, and to get immediate feedback as they read, study vocabulary and learn grammar. Assignments, tests and quizzes will be submitted online, through Canvas.
***Cost includes an online subscription to Cambridge Elevate with online textbook included!
Prerequisites: Latin 1 or equivalent beginning Latin course
Required Materials: (online version included with course)
- Fall:
- Unit 3: Cambridge Latin Course Unit 3 (North American 5th Edition)
- Spring:
- Unit 3: Cambridge Latin Course Unit 3 (North American 5th Edition)
- Canvas account (free)
- Computer or tablet with Internet access: The materials fee will pay for a subscription to online resources for this course, including online text, study aids, audio resources for pronunciation, and language information.
Weekly assignments will involve the following:
1: reading stories in Latin
2: using an interactive website to enhance learning
3: memorizing vocabulary
4: studying Roman civilization through text and video
* (optional) Parents may administer the National Latin Exam in the spring semester. Information will be given during the school year on how to register and study for the exam.
Instructor: Jeremiah King (
For: Grades 8 – 12
Hours: +- 4 hours each week
Credit Hours: 1 High School Credit on completion of both semesters
Cost: $169 per semester
*private tutoring available
Fall Dates: August 18 – Dec 12 (with a week’s break over Thanksgiving)
Spring Dates: January 5 – May 1 (any week in March can be taken for Spring break)
Self-paced: This course may be started at any point in the year as a self-paced course.
**Links to resources may be affiliate links. You don’t pay anything more but we make a small percentage of each sale.
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