High School English Literature and Compositionn
Please note: Both fall and spring semesters must be completed to obtain a full credit. This class can not be started in the spring.
Course Description:
This class is designed for 9th grade students and prioritizes learning the basics of writing academic essays, an introduction to MLA format, and a comprehensive array of literary elements, genres, and subjects. It is an overall introduction to high school English so students are better prepared for higher level classes.
General understanding of basic writing mechanics; familiarity with Google Docs
Book List:
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (ISBN: 978-0-446-31078-9)
Iphigeneia at Aulis by Euripides (ISBN: 978-0-19-507709-4) — Please get this exact copy!
Animal Farm by George Orwell (ISBN: 978-0-15-101026-4)
Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn (ISBN: 978-0-385-72243-8)
A Comedy of Errors by Shakespeare (No Fear Shakespeare) (ISBN: 978-1411404373)
Poetry and Short Stories provided
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Instructor: Jennie Miller (
For: Grade 9
Hours: 4-5 hours each week
Credit Hours: 1 High School Credit (on completion of both semesters)
Syllabus: Coming soon
Fall Dates: August 18 – Dec 12 (with a week’s break over Thanksgiving)
Spring Dates: January 5 – May 1 (any week in March can be taken for Spring break)
Minimum Class Size: 4
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