High School Earth Science 2025

(6 customer reviews)


This course is an Honors level High School introduction to Earth Science with a lab. It is designed for a motivated student to discover and explore the main spheres of the Earth. Topics include, rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, oceanography, meteorology, astronomy, and earth’s forces within the geosphere. Historical Geology and the Earth’s History will be mentioned but not a main focus.

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Please note: This class can be started in the fall or spring semester as the topics covered do not depend on each other. Each semester is worth 1/2 credit.

Course Description: This course is an Honors level High School introduction to Earth Science with a lab. It is designed for a motivated student to discover and explore the main spheres of the Earth. Topics include rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, oceanography, meteorology, astronomy, and earth’s forces within the geosphere. Historical Geology and the Earth’s History will be mentioned but are not a focus.

Goals/Objectives: Students will understand the processes within the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and biosphere to better interpret and interact with the world they live in. The information learned in this course will help students see the delicate interactions of the earth’s functions and equip them for future science courses.

Prerequisites: None

Required Materials:
Prentice Hall Earth Science Lab Manual
Computer access for homework will be crucial for the completion of this course. Notebook paper, ruler, and calculator may be needed for some labs.

Expectations/Homework: This class will require 5 hours a week of reading and homework. There will be weekly quizzes and a research project in the first semester.

Instructor: Heather Fulghum (heather@fundafunda.com)

For: Grades 8 – 12

Hours: +- 4 hours each week

Credit Hours: 1 High School Credit on completion of both semesters

Syllabus: Available here

Fall Dates: August 18 – Dec 12 (with a week’s break over Thanksgiving)

Spring Dates: January 5 – May 1  (any week in March can be taken for Spring break)

View One Module Here

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Example of Student Work

Moon collage

Students had to find pictures online that illustrated various moon features and make them into a collage which they could then use to study from.







Asynchronous online classes

Additional information


Both Semesters, Fall 2025, Spring 2026

6 reviews for High School Earth Science 2025

  1. Maggie Wood

    I love Mrs. Fulghum! She is an amazing teacher but also just an amazing person! I learned so much and had a lot of fun. I gained a ton of valuable information that has already helped me in other science courses and endeavors. Even if you don’t love Earth Science, this course covers so many topics and I have loved discussing and learning how to digest information. This class has really helped me learn how to deeply absorb knowledge and has been a lot of fun! If you are considering this course, do it. You won’t regret it! It is a high school workload, but it is interactive and not too overwhelming. This course will deeply enrich your learning experience.

  2. Zoe

    This class is Great! I have learned so much this semester, thanks to this incredible teacher!

  3. Israel Perkins

    Great teacher. The workload isn’t as bad as one would expect going into a homeschool highschool course. Very manageable and there isn’t a lot of stress that come with this course.

  4. Isabella C.

    Mrs. Fulghum is an amazing teacher! The workload is what you’d expect of a high-school course but it’s always manageable. The teacher’s great at answering any questions you may have and presents the material in a fun way. Had a great learning experience!

  5. JP

    Mrs. Fulghum is awesome! She’s a great teacher, extremely helpful, she answered my questions, and through this course, helped me to figure out what I want to do after college. 10/10

  6. Meileigh

    Love Ms. Fulghum she is supportive and most of the time responds to your questions immediately. Great learning experience and fascinating lessons. 10/10 Recommend.

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