Forensic Science 2025


This is a 2-semester online course. Forensic Science is the application of science (biology, chemistry and physics) to law (solving crimes). Students will gain an understanding of the methods and processes used including fingerprinting, biological evidence (hair, fiber, blood), ballistics, toxicology, and forensic entomology. Case studies of real crimes and their forensic analysis will be included. 

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Online Forensic Science Class

** This is a YEAR-long Forensic Science class – 2 semesters. Both semesters must be completed to receive credit for the class **

Course Description

Forensic Science is the application of science (biology, chemistry and physics) to law (solving crimes). Students will gain an understanding of the methods and processes used including fingerprinting, biological evidence (hair, fiber, blood), ballistics, toxicology, and forensic entomology. Case studies of real crimes and their forensic analysis will be included. 

Information will be presented using a variety of online lessons, virtual and hands-on labs and readings. 

Students should be prepared to complete weekly homework assignments. Assignments will include vocabulary, quizzes and watching Forensic Files (or another show of choice) while completing a worksheet about the crime and its solving.

** WARNING:  this course includes graphic discussions of violent crimes and how they are solved.  

Prerequisites: Biology (Please note: This course is not designed to take the place of high school chemistry but to be an additional elective science course).

Instructor: Emily Boyle

For: Grades 10 -12

Hours: 4-5 hours each week

Credit Hours: 1 High School Credit (on completion of both semesters)

Syllabus: Available here

Fall Dates: August 18 – Dec 12 (with a week’s break over Thanksgiving)

Spring Dates: January 5 – May 1  (any week in March can be taken for Spring break)

View One Module Here

Asynchronous online classes

Additional information


Fall 2025, Spring 2026, Both Semesters


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