Computer Applications Self-paced Online Class


This is a full-year course that teaches computer applications and digital literacy. This online class is for homeschoolers in grades 7 – 12.

This course is asynchronous, self-paced, and parent-graded. If you are looking for our synchronous class with deadlines and FundaFunda teachers grading the assignments, click here.



** This is a YEAR long class – 2 semesters. Both semesters must be completed to receive credit for the class **

It is no longer enough for students to just know how to use a word processor, spreadsheet and create slideshows. There are a vast number of tools now being used regularly at college and in the work place that students should be comfortable using. This course  in digital literacy will start with the basics but will also cover Evernote, Google Drive and other Google tools, graphics and movie creation, project management tools, and many other software applications.

Students will learn to work in an online environment – something which is becoming more and more common in the workplace. And they will learn how to conduct effective searches, spot online scams, evaluate online sources and more.

Goals/Objectives : An introduction to a wide variety of computer applications so that students are well equipped for college and the business world.

For more info view our blog post about this class or watch the video below

All about FundaFunda’s Computer Applications and Digital Literacy online class

select asynchronous class

Instructor: Meryl van der Merwe (she hosts the Homeschooling with Technology podcast)

Click here to learn more about the instructor.

For: Grades 7-12

Hours: +- 4 per week

Credit Hours: 1 High School Credit

Syllabus: Available here

View One Module Here


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