Adobe Photoshop Self-paced Online Class


In this course, students will learn fundamental techniques for image manipulation in Photoshop. Students will do this by developing skills in editing photographs through a basic understanding of the toolbar, filter gallery and the layers and adjustments panel. Students will also learn to utilize both global and local adjustments while developing an understanding of sophisticated layering and masking techniques.

This course is asynchronous, self-paced, and parent-graded.


In this online Adobe Photoshop self-paced class for homeschoolers, students will learn fundamental techniques for image manipulation in Photoshop. Students will do this by developing skills in editing photographs through a basic understanding of the toolbar, filter gallery and the layers and adjustments panel. Students will also learn to utilize both global and local adjustments while developing an understanding of sophisticated layering and masking techniques.

Topics Include:

  • Various selection tools
  • Color correction
  • Levels and Curves
  • The Pen tool
  • Clone and Healing Brush tools
  • Layers and the Adjustments Panel
  • Layer Masking
  • Incorporating text

Students will work independently through the work provided in the modules at their own pace. Any assignments requiring a grade will be graded by the student’s parent.

select asynchronous class

Hours: This class is self-paced, so students can take as much time as needed to complete it. If planning to complete in one semester, expect to allow ~4 hours per week on average.

For: Grades 9 -12

Credit Hours: 1/2 High School Credit on completion

Syllabus: View here

Required Materials: Students will need to purchase a subscription to Adobe Photoshop. You can buy a discounted student version here. for $19.99 per month. Students will need an active subscription for the duration of time they spend on the class

View One Module Here


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