If you have been homeschooling for any period of time, you are probably familiar with the concept of “unit studies”. In a unit study, children will study a specific topic in some depth. Unit studies usually explore topics in a creative way and incorporate reading and research as well as projects.
But while you may be familiar with the concept of unit studies, you may not realize how web-based unit studies differ from traditional ones, and why you should try them out
How web-based unit studies are different from traditional unit studies
Simply taking a unit study and turning it into a pdf or an e-book does make it more accessible – but it isn’t harnessing all the potential of the internet.
Unit studies that are actually delivered online allow students to move seamlessly between online articles, videos, interactive websites, quizzes, and more.
What are some of the benefits of web-based unit studies?
1. A rich variety of content
Learning resources aren’t limited to just reading text, but can incorporate so many different types of content. Students might watch a video, then play an online game, followed perhaps by learning from an interactive website. Infographics, live webcams, online quizzes can all make learning fun and exciting
2. Web-based projects
While our unit studies might still incorporate hands-on projects like baking or something craft-related, they also include techie projects like making animated videos or creating online posters. These will help your children to learn skills they need in the 21st century.
3. Up-to-date links
Even when pdfs and e-books contain links to online resources, these links can stop working. Of course, the same can happen in our unit studies BUT as soon as someone reports a broken link, we can change it, and immediately it is corrected for everyone as the links all reside in an online classroom.
4. Children get familiar with learning online
Your children are likely to take some online classes at high school, and will definitely need to know how to get around online classrooms if they go to college. Even live college classes post work online and assignments are submitted online. Web-based unit studies are a gentle way for your children to learn to navigate the online learning experience.
Take a look inside one of FundaFunda’s:
More about our web-based unit studies
- They are affordable! FundaFunda’s are $20 each. And – you can use them for all your children!
- They are usually aimed at 4th – 8th graders but a number are for older students too.
- They are self-paced. Do them whenever you want and take as long as you want
- We have spent hours and hours curating excellent resources. This means no prep for busy homeschool parents!
Take a look at all the web-based unit studies from FundaFunda. You are sure to find ones that your children will love!