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Suzette Laporte-Ayo is FundaFunda Academy’s online Spanish teacher. She has classes for grades K through high school which you can find in the foreign language section of our store.
I am always encouraging my students and families to do more Spanish at home. I believe that trying to incorporate Spanish into your daily activities helps students become more familiar with the vocabulary, as well as, relate Spanish to their daily routine, therefore, making it more relevant.
With the holidays upon us, I often get asked from parents and grandparents what I recommend for gifts for their children. Well, I compiled a list of Spanish games for learning and practicing vocabulary.
Here are some of my recommendations for games in Spanish that you can use during your family game nights. For high school students, these are great activities to use if you are required to do extra projects in your Spanish classes or just for extra practice.
Spanish for Kids Card Game
This card game is great for 4-8th grade as well as highschoolers. Each playing card has a Spanish phrase on it – together with a graphic to help players remember it.
KLOO games
These are great for 4-8th grade as well as highschoolers
In this game, you use the Spanish words in your hand to make the longest sentence possible to score points.
There are 2 different sets of cards on different themes and you can play them as a card game. But you can also choose to buy it as a board game.
The Race to Madrid comes with cards for shopping, clothing and everyday objects, Kloos pack 1 comes with eating and drinking vocab, and Kloos pack 2 comes with places and travel vocab. You can add pack 1 and 2 to the Madrid game or you can play them by themselves (without a game board) or you can mix up packs 1 and 2 and play without the board.
Spanish Bananagrams
This game is fun for grades 4 all the way to adults.
If you have ever played the English version you know how much fun it is racing each other to get rid of your letters. Everyone plays at the same time so no one has time to get bored.
Spanish Scrabble
Appropriate for grades 4 through adult.
This game is just like the English version of the game and students need to have a reasonable Spanish vocabulary to be able to play without getting frustrated.
Spot It
This game can be played with students as young as 2nd grade all the way through high school. It is good for those starting out learning Spanish.
It is fast paced and a fun way to learn vocabulary.
Spanish Bingo
This is great for 2nd – 8th grade and beginner high school students. Students hear a Spanish word read out and look to see if they have it on their bingo board.
Lil’ Lotería (great for preK-3rd)
This Mexican Bingo game is good for Pre K to 3rd graders.
Do you know of any more fun games that help students practice their Spanish? Please share with us in the comments.